Florida Tropiflora photo blog
Im very pleased to present to you my photos from the day I spent at Tropiflora Nursery Florida in January 2020. Feast your eyes on possibly the most amazing Bromeliad collection in the world. Please leave a comment below if you like what you see and would like to see more.
They need that Caution tape! Luckily I was allowed to pass it.
Wow, Whopping Inflorescence!!
Tillandsia funkiana x dasyliriifolia
Tillandsia beutelspacheri springs to mind.
Tillandsia 'Stupendo' 'Houston' x leonamiana
Tillandsia intermedia,
Tillandsia 'Nugget' crocata x duratii
T. chiapensis?
Please enjoy these beautiful images. I had the time of my life seeing these plants.
Some nice Dyckia's
I think this is Tillandsia novakii. Very nice color.
Hohenbergia. I bought some of these once, but sadly thanks to customs, they all died in transit.
A fantastic clump of T. funckiana. This species does not thrive in my conditions.
I love these Sincoregelia or is it x Neophytum? Its hard to keep up with the naming of these!. I have a few different hybrids that are bulcking up well for sales. Including this one which i think is Sincoregelia 'Burgundy Hill'
A lovely mauve/silver Orphophytum
Pretty sure this is Billbergia vittata 'Domingos Martin'
Stunning, tall, thin Billbergia's.
Orthophytum cf. grossiorum
This is Neoregelia kautskyii. I have N. kautskyii x pauciflora. But wish i had kautskyii..
Aechmea egleriana
Dyckia 'Natalie'
Tillandsia fasciculata 'Tropiflora'
bulbosa hybrid
Tillandsia fasciculata var. densispica
Dischidia vidalii x
Hydnophytum moseleyanum Ant plant
These caudex forming myrmecophytes blew my mind!!
The funkiest collection of Tillandsia funkiana I have ever seen!
I hope you have enjoyed these images so far. There are many many more to come.