Neoregelia 'Kimberly' is a wonderful large growing Neo. It was gifted to me several years ago by some friends in Cambourne Cornwall. It bears the same name as my father. This hybrid originally comes from Paul T. Isley at Rainforest Flora In California. I had the pleasure of visiting Paul in early spring 2020. His description of this plant.. '
'Neoregelia Kimberly presents beautiful maroon leaves with lettuce green spotting in a starburst pattern. It is one of the larger growing Neoregelias and one of the most colorful, too (70 CM).''
I can add that it is quite similar to N. marmorata (probably one of the parents). The flowers differ in being white and purple edged as opposed to just white in marmorata. Many flowers open in a long succession.
This is a large growing plant and these are large pups. They come bare root
Neoregelia's are very easy to grow they can be mounted with some moss and bark to root into or they can be grown in a pot, which i prefer to do as it allows for easy maintenance of the plant. The correct potting medium for most 'tank type' Bromeliads such as Aechmea, Billbergia and Neoregelia is a free draining mix comprising of Peat and potting/orchid bark.
Neoregelias can be grown in high light levels, in fact the more bright light you give them the more intense the coloring on the leaves can become. Although you have to be careful because plants can get scorched in full mid summer sun. Generally more stiff, thick or harder leaved species can take the full sun and softer leaves less so.